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Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy

Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy. Do Now. Take a few to review for the Terminology quiz. Anatomical position. To avoid confusion among medical professional an anatomical position has been established. It is an erect stance with arms to the side palms facing forward and head forward.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy

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  1. Chapter 1Introduction to Anatomy

  2. Do Now Take a few to review for the Terminology quiz

  3. Anatomical position • To avoid confusion among medical professional an anatomical position has been established. It is an erect stance with arms to the side palms facing forward and head forward.

  4. Terms of position & directionAnatomical planes

  5. Medical term for locations • Anterior-refers to the front of the body • Posterior refers to the back of the body

  6. Medial and Lateral Medial-closer to the midline Lateral-away from the midline M L M L

  7. Do Now • Draw a knee and identify the following on it. • Anterior • Medial • Lateral

  8. Proximal Situated nearer to the center of the body, a point of attachment or midline of body. Ex. Shoulder is proximal to the elbow Ex. Hip is proximal to the knee

  9. Distal Away from the center of the body or point of attachment

  10. Cranial/Superior Closer To the Head/Cranium, or Above

  11. Caudal/Inferior • Closer to the feet • Lower part of body

  12. Do Now • Draw a foot like picture Identify the following anatomical locations: • Distal-D • Posterior-P • Medial-M • Lateral-L

  13. Anatomical position worksheet

  14. Do Now • Write down this definition: Palmar-is the directional location for the palm of the hand.

  15. Movements • Flexion( ) -bending of hinge joint • Extension( / )-straightening of hinge joint

  16. Abduction( Abd)-Away from the midline • Adduction (Add)- toward the midline

  17. Pronation(pron)- palm down for wrist Inward lean of forefoot for ankle

  18. Orthotics

  19. This is how orthotics work

  20. Do Now-copy this in notes Supination(sup)-palm up for wrist • Outward lean of forefoot for ankle

  21. Supination

  22. Inversion(Inv)-sole is inward • Eversion(Ev)- sole is outward

  23. Protraction (protract)-shoulders forward • Retraction(retract-shoulders back

  24. Internal rotation-(Int. R)rotating toward the body External rotation (Ext.R)-rotating away from the body

  25. Circumduction(circum.) • Happens at the ball and socket joint and encompasses several movements.

  26. Plantarflexion(PF)-pointing ankle

  27. Dorsiflexion(DF)-ankle up

  28. Lateral flexion(Lat. – )to the side

  29. Horizontal Abduction (Horiz.Abd) and Horizontal Adduction(Horiz.Add) HORIZONTAL ADDUCTION HORIZONTAL ABDUCTION

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