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Managemen Stres. BLOK I Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau. Stres. Apakah stress? Sindrom yang merupakan respons nonspesifik dari individu terhadap suatu rangsangan / tuntutan dari lingkungannya ( Hans Selye)
ManagemenStres BLOK I Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau
Stres Apakah stress? • Sindrom yang merupakan respons nonspesifik dari individu terhadap suatu rangsangan / tuntutan dari lingkungannya(Hans Selye) • Suatu hubungan yang khas antara individu dengan lingkungannya yang dinilai oleh individu tersebut sebagai suatu hal yang mengancam / melampaui kemampuannya untuk mengatasinya sehingga membahayakan kesejahteraannya (Lazarus dan Folkman)
Stres • Biasanya kita memandang stres sebagai hal negatif • Dari sudut pandang biologi stress dapat • NETRAL • NEGATIF • POSITIF • Stres berkaitan dengan • Faktor eksternal, • Faktor internal,
Stres • Secara praktis / populer stres (kamus bhs Indonesia) • Gangguan atau kekacauan mental dan emosional • Tekanan • Hal yang menyebabkan stres / stresor , dapat dibagi berdasarkan sbb. Komponen yang terlibat ; • Lingkungan selalu membuat kita harus memenuhi tuntutan dan tantangan • Induvidu yang meresponsnya tubuh dan pikiran yng menginterpretasi isyarat dari lingkungan Peluang penanganannya ; • Penanganannya hanya membutuhkan sedikit upaya • Penanganannya membutuhkan upaya yang lebih sungguh-sungguh • Tidak dapat ditangani sendiri.
Stres • Gambaran Kinerja dikaitkan dengan stres Manusia membutuhkan stres untuk bisa berfungsi normal. Anggaplah stres sebagai suatu tantangan, tanpa itu manusia tidak akan tergerak untuk melakukan sesuatu. Seberapa besar stres yang dibutuhkan? Mari kita lihat gambar berikut
Respons terhadap Stres • Ketika otak menerima ancaman tubuh mengeluarkan hormon respons fight-or-flight • Bila stres hilang ancaman hilang tubuh kembali normal • Respons terhadap stres pada manusia yang sehat melibatkan komponen berikut ; • Otak memediasi respons segera. Respons ini mengisyaratkan medula adrenal mengeluarkan epinephrin dan norepinephrin • Hipothalamus dan kelenjar pituitari dicetuskan oleh oleh stres yang menetap dan lambat, mengisyaratkan korteks adrenal mengeluarkan kortisal dan hormon lain • Berbagai jaras syaraf mempengaruhi respons perilaku
Akibat Stres Tidak Ditangani • Stres yang ringan sebenarnya baik dan menguntungkan karena akan mendorong, memotivasi serta memberikan kekuatan melakukan sesuatu • Stres yang menetap berakibat sebaliknya yakni dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan, antara lain ; • Gejala fisik , seperti sakit kepala, kelelahan, berdebar-debar, nyeri dada, nafas pendek, gangguan lambung dan pencernaan, mual, gemetar dll Karena gejal fisik ini mungkin ada kaitan dengan penyakit fisik, sebaiknya berkosultasi dengan dokter sebelum memutuskan gejala fisik akibat stres • Gejala mental, seperti konsentrasi & daya ingat , ragu-ragu, bingung, pikiran penuh / kosong • Gejala emosi seperti cemas, depresi, putus asa, mudah marah, ketakutan, dll • Gejala Perilaku ; mondar-mandir, gelisah, menggigit kuku, perubahan pola makan, merokok, minum minuman keras, menangis, mengumpat, bahkan melempar barang dll
Saran untuk kurangi Stress Latihan Relaksasi: ¨ Meditasi ¨ Bernafas dalam ¨ Pemijatan ¨ Mandi Organisir kehidupan anda: ¨ Kelola waktu anda ¨ Catat hal yang akan dilakukan ¨ Buat perencanaan ¨ Tentukan tujuan jangka pendek ¨ Belajar untuk merencanakan Istirahat sejenak : ¨ Ambil nafas dalam ¨ Duduk bersandar dan santai ¨ Lakukan sesuatu yang anda senangi ¨ Baca buku ¨ Tukar suasana sekitar ¨ Coba bermain Peregangan : ¨ Berdiri dan mejangkau ¨ Peregangan leher :putar kepala dalam setengah klingkaran, Mulai pada satu sisi, dagu jatuh pada dada, Lakukan pada sisi yang lain ¨ Lakukan peregangan Seperti yang dilakukan kucing Komunikasikan ¨ Ekspresikan emosimu ¨ Curhat dengan sahabat ¨ Hilangkan ide / pikiran negatif ¨ Menangis ¨ Tertawa
Manajemen Stres • Perhatikan lingkungan sekitar andaLihatlah mungkin ada sesuatu yang benar-benar dapat anda ubah atau kendalikan dalam situasi tersebut. • Jauhkan diri anda dari situasi-situasi yang menekanBeri diri anda kesempatan untuk beristirahat biarpun hanya untuk beberapa saat setiap hari. • Jangan mempermasalahkan hal-hal yang sepeleCobalah untuk memprioritaskan beberapa hal yang benar-benar penting dan biarkan yang lainnya mengikuti.
Secara selektif ubahlah cara anda bereaksiJangan terlalu banyak sekaligus. Fokuskan pada satu masalah dan kendalikan reaksi anda terhadap hal ini. • Hindari reaksi yang berlebihan;Mengapa harus membenci jika sedikit tidak suka sudah cukup? Mengapa harus merasa bingung jika cukup dengan hanya merasa gugup? Mengapa harus mengamuk jika marah saja sudah cukup? Mengapa harus depresi ketika cukup dengan merasa sedih?
Tips to get the a good sleep • Give yourself “permission” to go to bed. As hard as it may be to put away your “to do” list, make sleep a “priority,” You’ll thank yourself in the morning. 2. Unwind early in the evening. Try to deal with worries and distractions several hours before bedtime. 3. Develop a sleep ritual. Doing the same things each night just before bed signals your body to settle down for the night. 4. Keep regular hours. Keep your biological clock in check by going to bed around the same time each morning – even on weekends. 5. Make your bedroom a Sleep Haven. Create a restful place to sleep. Sleep in a moderate (temperature not too hot or too cold), dark room that is free from noises that may disturb your sleep. Make sure the mattress and foundation meet your needs for both comfort and support. 6. Sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation. It’s difficult to sleep on a bed that’s too small, too soft, too hard, or too old. 7. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help relieve daily tension and stress – but don’t exercise too close to bedtime or you may have trouble falling asleep.
Tips to get the a good sleep 8. Cut down on stimulants. Consuming stimulants, such as caffeine, in the evening can make it more difficult to fall asleep. 9. Don’t smoke. Smokers take longer to fall asleep and wake up more often during the night. 10. Reduce alcohol intake. Drinking alcohol shortly before bedtime interrupts and fragments sleep. 11. Exercise. Sometimes exercise an hour or two before bed can relieve you from the stress gained throughout the day. It not only is healthy for you, but can help you rest better. 12. Journal. Keep a journal of the day’s activities, highlighting challenging moments of the day and developing strategies on how to handle such situations in the future. Also discuss the lessons learned from both positive and negative interactions with other people, noting blessings also. 13. Herbal tea. There are several brands of non-caffeine herbal teas available in your local grocers that are natural sleep aids.
Relaxation Techniques The information below briefly describes several relaxation techniques. To learn more about these relaxation techniques, please visit the LAC Blackboard website, which has links to various websites. 1.Meditation: this techniqueinvolves focusing on something unchanging (such as a spot on the wall) or something repetitive (such as repeating a word – a mantra). Then you realize your mind has wandered, merely return to repeating the word. 2. Imagery: Imagery can be guided or unguided. When guided, someone else determines which image you should keep in mind when trying to relax. When unguided, you decide what image would be relaxing. If possible, it is best to choose your own image since you have a better idea of what you find relaxing than does someone else. Some images people generally find relaxing are sunshine warming the body, a day at the beach, a rippling lake, a walk in the woods, the surf rolling on the shore, birds flying through the air, a carpeted room warmed by a fire, and a sailboat floating on the water.
Relaxation Techniques 3. Autogenic Training: Autogenic training requires you to imagine your arms and legs feel heavy, warm and tingly. By doing this, blood flow increases to these body parts due to a dilation (widening) of blood vessels in the arms and legs. This is part of the relaxation response. After the body is relaxed this way, the mind is calmed by adding images of relaxing scenes. Imagery that is part of autogenic training is called autogenic mediation. 4. Progressive Relaxation: Progressive relaxation teaches the sensation of muscular contraction by focusing attention on the feeling of the muscles as they are tensed throughout the body. It then teaches the sensation to your more tense parts. The relaxed sensation can be imagined to be a warm ball that travels to various bodily locations warming and relaxing them. 5. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Relaxed breathing occurs as a result of the diaphragm expanding, as opposed to stressful breathing that is a function of the chest expanding. Relaxed breathing is called Diaphragmatic Breathing. To try Diaphragmatic Breathing, lie on your back and place your hands on your abdomen. As you breathe you should feel your abdomen riseand your chest remain fairly stable.
Relaxation Techniques 6. Quieting Reflex: With practice, this technique is said to relax a person in just six seconds. The Quieting Reflex is done as follows: o Think about something that makes you afraid or anxious. o Smile inside. This breaks up the anxious facial muscle tension. o Tell yourself, “I can keep a calm body in an alert mind.” o Let your jaw go loose as you exhale, keeping your lower and upper teeth slightly apart. o Imagine heaviness and warmth moving throughout your body, from head to toe.
Relaxation Techniques 7. Instant Calming Sequence: Another relaxation technique said to take just seconds to elicit the relaxation response is the Instant Calming Sequence. Step 1: Uninterrupted Breathing. In the face of the stressor, keep breathing smoothly, deeply and evenly. Step 2: Positive Face. Flash a slight smile as soon as you recognize you are being stressed. Step 3: Balanced Posture. Keep your chest high, your head up, neck long, chin in, and in other ways balanced. Imagine being lifted from a hook at the top of your head. Step 4: Bathe in a Wave of Relaxation. “Imagine you’re standing under a waterfall that washes away your tension.” Step 5: Acknowledge Reality. Face your causes of stress head-on. Don’t try to deny it or wish that it hadn’t happened. Think: “This is real. I can handle it. I’m finding the best possible way to cope right now.” Step 6: Reassert Control. Instead of fretting about how the stressor had robbed you of control, focus on what you can control and take appropriate action. Also, think clear-headed, honest thoughts instead of distorted ones.