2. pn-junction reminder
3. Gate Capacitance Approximate channel as connected to source
Cgs = eoxWL/tox = CoxWL = CpermicronW
Cpermicron is typically about 2 fF/mm
4. Source/Drain diffusion capacitance Csb, Cdb
Undesirable, called parasitic capacitance
Capacitance depends on area and perimeter
Use small diffusion nodes
Comparable to Cg
Varies with process
5. Transistor resistance
6. Switch-level RC models Use equivalent circuits for MOS transistors
Ideal switch + capacitance and ON resistance
Unit nMOS has resistance R, capacitance C
Unit pMOS has resistance 2R, capacitance C
Capacitance proportional to width
Resistance inversely proportional to width
7. Inverter RC delay estimate Estimate the delay of a fanout-of-1 inverter
8. Fallacies Increasing Vds does not increase the saturation current
The transistor does not conduct in cutoff
The saturation current increases quadratically for linear increases in Vgs
Transistor temperature can be ignored
9. Channel length modulation
10. Leakage current
11. Velocity saturation
12. Temperature dependence
13. Summary Today:
Transistor RC delay models
Nonideal transistor operation
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SPICE tutorial